Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Journal Entry 4: Signs

There was so many signs I found, They are EVERYWHERE you look. You cannot(in a city) look in any direction, and NOT see one. Since there was numerous signs I wanted to show, find a connection(or theme) amongst them all was not easy. Let's just say they're all between Taylor Hall and Heritage Square in Downtown Flagstaff! These given signs vary from warnings, to directions, to marking locations, to telling stories, and even unintended changes. One Way, No Parking, and Do not Cross are all important warnings for safety or perhaps to keep your car un-towed. Same with the handicapped symbol. Others such as the '32' in the ground mark locations, much like a tombstone. Restrooms and Restaurants are given symbols so you can know the difference from one to the other. Other warning let you know there may be people near by or that you shouldn't go over a certain speed, for safety. Signs can be simple, such as a hand drawn '50% off', simple but able to get one's attention. Look both directions! Indicated before you(perhaps your deaf) step into a not-so-good situation. I included the "GO Trespassing" because, (1) I found it humorous and (2) because it shows how signs can often be manipulated to mean something other than their original intended meaning. I had my friend stand behind the sign when the train came for emphasis...The license plate is a sign we all use. It indicates at the same time, where we reside, and a number to track your vehicle The last sign represents a story we all know(in a very cartoony way...). Who doesn't know the story a Noah and the Ark? This is an illustration of that event, and a lesser recognized form of sign, so I included it as well.

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