Thursday, January 20, 2011

Journal Entry 2: My Signs

The Images above are signs for as follows: EXIT, FIRE EXTINGUISHER, JANITOR, EXECUTIVE WASHROOM, MEN'S RESTROOM, and finally, WOMEN'S RESTROOM. The 'Exit' sign is the letter's "E", "I" and "T" etched into a dark room, with a door opened, letting light in to complete the "X". I'm not particularly proud of the fire extinguisher sign. The concept is the typical fire extinguisher image hosing out flames to the right. Though I could not draw(by hand) this that well, I really like the concept for my Janitor. He wears a necklace with "G" for Janitor(Yes I'm aware its 'J' not 'G') and he is wielding his mop in a fight ready posture imitating a samurai, I thought it was funny. The executive washroom shows a figure with a monocle, top hat and cane with a waterfall for a sink behind him. The parking garage is the letter 'P' with a car to fill the hole in the P and complete with a ramp and different connecting garage levels. My two favorites(and the most time consuming) were the men's and women's bathroom. The men's is identified by a bee, while the women's is identified by a flower(very feminine). The concept between those two seemed to make a lot of sense(think about it).

None of these carry any color(obviously, right?) I'm not a great artist(by hand), but I thought the gray-scale imagery got the point across better. I tried to add a good deal of shading to the Men's and Women's and I think it conveys well, especially for the women's restroom with the flower. I used reference images offline, a compilation actually to put together how I thought the images should look.The actual sizes of these signs would entirely depend on their posting areas of course. I worked hard on this(don't laugh, drawing is hard for me!) I took me quite a few hours. But I like the results....mostly!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Journal Entry 1: Out and Personal perceptions.

Though I struggle time and time again I know that I am still faithful. And no matter what happens to me in this life I will always have my faith. And I am faithful God will never leave or fail me!

While this can't be true for all those who meet me, I feel that most see me as loving no matter what situation.